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Hotel Details

The closest airport is the Guillermo León Valencia Airport, which is located 5 minutes away, and the Popayan Transport Terminal is 5 minutes away by car. This hotel is strategically located in the Centro neighborhood. Very close to Parque Caldas, just 0.4 km walking, also very close is Unicauca, just 1.3 km walking. The hotel has Towels, Shower, Private Bathroom, Impeccable Spaces, Television, Body towels, Toiletry kit. The Ayenda Amanari Hotel is located in Popayán, all rooms have a private bathroom, personal hygiene kit and television.
Note: It is the responsibility of the hotel chain and/or the individual property to ensure the accuracy of the photos displayed. is not responsible for any inaccuracies in the photos. The room rates listed are for double occupancy per room unless otherwise stated and exclude tax recovery charges and service fees.